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Should I travel in a group?

Writer's picture: Rosie DietrichRosie Dietrich

I typically travel with my immediate family, or just my spouse. Some times, we travel with a couple or two. Sometimes, we travel as a couple but meet a number of people while travelling.

One of my earliest trips to Europe, I travelled with my husband on a group tour. I didn't think I would like being with people I didn't know, but the experience has stayed with me since and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Here are 5 benefits of travelling in groups:

Creating Lifetime Friendships

You will find people that have some of the same interests as you - whether it be a love of food, adventure, architecture, history, you name it. Something brought you on the same journey - something in common. You will get to spend time with like-minded individuals that share a passion with you. After some time together, you will quickly begin to form a bond. After 15 years, I am still good friends with people I met over 15 years ago. Some are nearby, and some are as far as Australia. Added Benefit: you have an excuse to travel again and visit them.

Someone else does all the hard stuff

Because there are so many people, preferences, logistics, planning for big trips can be quite stressful for one person to do, so why not leave it to someone else. Travelling with a group you know, or joining other singles/couple travelers on a group, means someone else has done all the planning for you. The organizer or host knows where to go, where to stay, where to eat, what are the most do's and don'ts. Added Benefit: group pricing for many components

Always have someone to explore with, and possibly push your limits

Someone in your group is always up for something. Maybe your travelling companion doesn't want to cycle the city, or go snorkeling, or go up a city tower, but someone else in the group might. You can find an adventure buddy to try out things that you wouldn’t typically experience, or just have someone to go along with. Maybe you need that push to try something new or get encouragement from someone who has done it, or join someone is a daredevil. Added Bonus: You can take a break from your travel companion if need be. HAHA!

You will learn something new

Travel ALWAYS teaches you something. And being around others enhances that experience. Whether you have travelled with the same group before, or are joining a totally new group of travelers, you will learn a ton of new stuff from others. If you join a new group of travelers, you may even meet people from other countries - what a treat that would be. You can find out about life in that country - what's good, what are the must-dos. A side effect of this is itchiness - you might come home itching to visit that country. Not a bad reaction after all. Added Bonus:

More is better than one

Travelling solo can be very rewarding, but I'm sure as soon as you get chatting with someone else, your spirits lift. We are meant to be social. Recent times have taught us this. We thrive with interaction. Travelling with others guarantees you that you will never be lonely. There will always be something to do, or someone to talk to. Added Bonus: Safety in numbers. You don't ever have to wander the streets alone.

We want to know. Who do you travel with? Do you travel with a spouse or a significant other? Do you travel with friends or with kids? Do you travel solo? Do you travel in big groups of friends and family? Or as a couple or solo traveler, join a larger group of people? Leave a comment below.

We are currently working on putting together a couple of groups that may be of interest to you. If you already have a group in mind or a location that you want to visit and invite others to, let's connect. We would love to get you to experience travel in a fun way.

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